JULAI 2022

Opening Address And Official Launching Of AAEC2022

Opening Address and Official Launching of AAEC2022

“Engineering Solutions in the Age of Digital Disruption”

By YAB Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri (Dr) Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg

The Premier of Sarawak


Tuesday 12th July 2022

TEGAS Digital Village (TDV)


● The Honourable Deputy Premier

● The Honourable Ministers and Deputy Minister

● Ir. Dennis Ong, Organising Chairman of AAEC 2022 

● Ir. Professor Lau Hieng Ho, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus   

● Distinguished Speakers and Delegates Ladies and Gentlemen 

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera,

Salam Ibu Pertiwiku, and Good Morning

1.0 Opening Comments

1.1 A very warm welcome to you all today to the ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress (AAEC) 2022. AAEC2022 is now taking place in a hybrid mode, after being postponed due to Covid-19.

1.2 AAEC2022 is also supported by the Sarawak state government, the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade) and a number of engineering institutions and companies.

1.3 I understand that the inaugural AAEC was held in Kuching, Sarawak back in 2011, under the theme of ‘Engineering for Sustainability’.

1.4 I am very proud that it has come full circle and returned to Kuching at a very necessary time in this global economy when we need engineers to embrace digital transformations for a more sustainable future and as we advance towards a green circular economy.

1.5 Through AAEC2022, I hope engineers from all sectors and industries will come together to discuss research and solutions for achieving Industry 4.0 and digital transformation while maximizing process efficiencies in the industry for optimizing safety and sustainability.

2.0 AAEC2022 Theme

Ladies and gentlemen,

2.1 AAEC2022 is themed on “Engineering Solutions in the Age of Digital Disruption”.

2.2 We must ensure that our future engineers are prepared for an increasingly digital future amidst increasing challenges to build sustainable communities, to overcome the impacts of climate change, to be resilient during uncertain geopolitical and economic climates, and to have responsible consumption and consistent production.

2.3 Embracing digital transformation will ensure that engineers can tackle these highly complex global challenges to secure our ideals. 

2.4 Through the exchange of ideas between practitioners, implementation agencies, academia, and technologists, engineers can innovate, while tapping into success stories of digital and data transformation.

2.5 The current disruptive digital environment requires our skilled resources be equipped with the know-how, knowledge and skills to implement and manage the advanced knowledge on integration of data, artificial intelligence, machines and communication.

3.0 Sarawak Post Covid-19 Development Strategy 2030

Ladies and gentlemen,

3.1 As the host venue for AAEC2022 and as the Premier of Sarawak, I would like to share with you the Sarawakian perspective on digital transformation.

3.2 Here in Sarawak, there is an urgent need to enhance productivity to remain competitive and at the same time, create a clean, healthy, and resilient environment that will last for generations.

3.3 In these challenging environments, on 22nd July 2021, I launched the Sarawak Post Covid-19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS2030), for a more sustainable economic growth for Sarawak, underpinned by the 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

3.4 My vision for Sarawak is that “By 2030, Sarawak will be a developed State with a thriving economy driven by data and innovation where everyone enjoys economic prosperity, social inclusivity and a sustainable environment”.

3.5 Advancing digital transformation is key towards improving productivity and efficiency, and engineers will play a key role to apply digital technologies in order to maximise the economic value in the global business environment that is dynamic and volatile.

3.6 Ladies and gentlemen, digital transformation is a key step in achieving outcomes that Sarawak is targeting by 2030, which include economic prosperity, social inclusivity, environmental and energy sustainability, all of which present tremendous opportunities in the Sarawak digital economy.

3.7 Since the commencement of the digital economy agenda in 2018, Sarawak has successfully enhanced the state's economic development through transformation in several sectors including agriculture, oil palm industry, e-commerce, finance and fintech, digital government, smart city, tourism, manufacturing and the services industry. 

3.8 To implement this digital economy agenda, in 2018 my Government established the Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) under the Sarawak Multimedia Authority Ordinance 2017, a regulatory body to spearhead, oversee and facilitate the development and implementation of communication, multimedia and the State's Digital Economy Initiatives.

3.9 Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation Berhad (SDEC), which is one of the co-organizers of AAEC2022, was launched in June 2020, entrusted to lead the implementation of Sarawak’s Digital Economy initiatives focusing on private sector, digital infrastructure, research, innovation and entrepreneurship.

3.10 CENTEXS Digital Academy was established in 2019 to work closely with the Ministry of Education, Innovation and Talent Development Sarawak (MEITD), and entrusted to provide industry-relevant training and skills development focusing on school leavers, graduates and industry employees to meet the workforce needs of Digital Economy.

3.11 Sarawak Information Systems (SAINS) is entrusted to lead the implementation of Sarawak’s Digital Economy initiatives focusing on government services.

3.12 Under this Digital Economy Ecosystem, I would like to highlight some of our achievements over the last five years.

● Sarawak Linking Urban, Rural and Nation (SALURAN) initiative, is a Sarawak Government initiative to provide connectivity to the underserved people in the remote and rural area of Sarawak. The construction of 600 communication towers is part of this initiative carried out under the Sarawak Multimedia Authority Rural Telecommunication (SMART) project, which is expected to be completed with mobility and MySRBN services in 2023.

● Sarawak Rural Broadband Network (MySRBN), is a State owned 4G with 5G ready core network which is providing Fixed Wireless Broadband services. To date, 158 sites across Sarawak have been implemented to connect rural families and communities. In upcoming phases, MySRBN will be extended across all the SMART 600 towers to cater for a further 100,000 rural homes in the coming years.

● The Centre of Excellence for Digital Economy initiative under SDEC is meant to connect universities with technology industries, setting up R&D directions, ensuring continuous innovation in digital technology, and commercialization of research through creation of deep-tech startups. 

● Last year, this very venue - TEGAS Digital Village - was launched comprising numerous co-working spaces for entrepreneurs and to provide support such as market access, intellectual property protection, access to investors and talent upskilling. Approximately 500 programs have been conducted to train MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) and individuals across Sarawak. Currently, Sarawak has established 9 Digital Innovation Hubs, with 4 more to come by the end of this year.

● Earlier last month my Government launched the IR4.0 Prototyping Lab Partnership Launching between SDEC and Malaysia Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) and its ecosystem partners right here at TEGAS Digital Village. The Lab will serve the industry in Sarawak by providing technology, experts and local capacity development programs to nurture a comprehensive Industry 4.0 ecosystem.  

3.13 Despite the availability of technology, we cannot maximise our digital potential without investing in digital readiness through the development of human capital in meeting the requirements of the digital industry.

3.14 To realise our 2030 Post-Covid Development Economic Growth Agenda, we must understand our level of digital preparedness and understanding the necessary interventions and investments. Universities and talent programs play key roles in ensuring the digital readiness of our future engineers, and upskilling the abilities of our current engineering practitioners.

3.15 As we move towards this digital transformation, we will also encounter new challenges, for example, cybercrimes. Digital disruption forces organizations to adopt new technologies to meet their organizations’ and customers’ expectations.

3.16 Digital resilience of our key infrastructure, our transportation system, our healthcare industry, manufacturing, retail & finance, our communities’ resilience, and more are all included in this. It is not just about data and information protection.

3.17 Cooperation and collaboration, knowledge and timely communication regarding the threats and how to address them will be an important step going forward.

3.18 With these ambitions, engineers play a key technological role in realizing the fruition of these plans through the implementation of strategic infrastructure to ensure socio-economic prosperity and social inclusivity, and resilience of its digital infrastructure against cyber-challenges.

3.19 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure thus to hereby officially declare open AAEC2022, and wish you all a very fruitful discussion and networking during these 3 days.


Sumber dari : Sarawakku